High Dynamic Range Rendering

Display devices have a limited gamut of intensities. Our eyes, however, are much more sensitive by several orders of magnitude. To better mimic how we perceive colour in the real-world we use high dynamic range (HDR) rendering. The dynamic range is the ratio between the maximum and minimum intensities. We can increase the overall perceived contrast of a scene by making local changes to contrast. There are several ways to approach HDR rendering, two of which are described herein.

15.1 Exposure
hdri image

The amount of light we see is controlled by the round and contractile membrane of the eye commonly known as the iris. Under well illuminated conditions the iris contracts, otherwise it dilates. Also important in how we perceive the world is the amount of time we view a scene. We notice, for example, that features in a dark room become more evident the longer we look around. In our model we use exposure T to represent the contraction / dilation of our irises and the amount of time we view a particular scene. We render very intense sources of light with large values of T. To underexpose parts of a scene we use small values of T. The relationship between intensity and the amount of light can be simplified to


This equation describes a tone reproduction curve [114]. For each colour channel of a given pixel we apply the following spatially invariant transform

double expose(double colour, double T)
    if (colour < 0.0 || T < 0.0) return 0.0;
    return (1.0 - exp(-colour * T)) * 255.0;   // assuming 8-bit precision

Graphics APIs such as OpenGL 2.0 and DirectX 9.0c consist of a fragment programming model where per-pixel operations like those illustrated in expose() can be done in hardware.

15.2 Floating Point Textures

HDR lighting effects can also be achieved using floating point textures. These render targets support values outside the 0.0 to 1.0 range. The algorithm is rather straightforward and can be fully realised within a fragment program.

The OpenEXR file format supports 16- and 32-bits per channel to yield several quadrillion possible colour permutations. Real-world luminance information can thus be stored. An image gallery of HDR renders is available at Render-Art.

15.3 References

[113] Debevec, P., and J. Malik. Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs, ACM Computer Graphics, SIGGRAPH 1997 Proceedings, 31(4):369-378
[114] DiCarlo, J.M., and B.A. Wandell, Rendering High Dynamic Range Images, Proceedings of the SPIE: Image Sensors, 3965:189-198
[115] Reinhard, E., M. Stark, P. Shirley, and J. Ferwerda, Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 21(3):267-276

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Bicubic Surfaces

The surface is defined by the function

bicubic surface

where u and v vary in the range from zero to one. The control net is

bicubic surface

An alternate form is

bicubic surface


bicubic surface


bicubic surface

Biquartic Surfaces

The surface is defined by the function

biquartic surface

where u and v vary in the range from zero to one. The control net is

biquartic surface

An alternate form is

biquartic surface


biquartic surface


biquartic surface

Biquintic Surfaces

The surface is defined by the function

biquintic surface

where u and v vary in the range from zero to one. The control net is

biquintic surface

An alternate form is

biquintic surface


biquintic surface


biquintic surface

Central Differencing

For some quadratic function f(t)

central differencing

The Taylor series, where k varies in the range from zero to one, is

central differencing - Taylor series


central differencing - Taylor series

central differencing - Taylor series

Adding f(t + k) and f(t - k) yields

central differencing

Solving for f(t) we get

central differencing

If g(t) is the second derivative of f(t), then

central differencing

The Taylor series, where k varies in the range from zero to one, is

central differencing - Taylor series


central differencing - Taylor series

central differencing - Taylor series

Adding g(t + k) and g(t - k) yields

central differencing

Solving for g(t) we get

central differencing

Since we mentioned earlier that g(t) is the second derivative of f(t)

central differencing

Evaluating successive function values using the central differences is known as central differencing. The psuedocode to evaluate a function of one variable is

compute initial conditions f(0), f(1), f''(0), f''(1)
let t = 0.5
let k = 0.5
let E = a very small number less than k

function centralDiff(t, k)

   if (k is less than E) return

   compute f''(t)
   compute f(t)
   display f(t)
   k = k * 0.5
   centralDiff(t - k, k)
   centralDiff(t + k, k)


The methodology to determine the central differences of a univariate function can be adapted for a function of two variables. Evaluating a bivariate function usually involves holding one paramater constant while iterating the other parameter from zero to one. Consider the biquadratic function

central differencing

or written in matrix form,

central differencing

Extending the logic from the one dimensional case, we get the following equations where s is held constant

central differencing

central differencing

central differencing

central differencing

Similarly, when t is held constant

central differencing

central differencing

central differencing

central differencing

The first and second partial derivatives of the biquadratic function in s and t are

central differencing

central differencing

central differencing


central differencing

central differencing

central differencing

With these equations we have enough information to evalaute h(s, t). At the initialisation phase we need to calculate h(0, 0), h(1, 0), h(1, 1) and h(0, 1). We also need the second partial derivatives in both s and t for s = 0,1 and t = 0,1. From these values the biquadratic function h(s, t) can be evaluated efficiently beginning with k = 0.5. With each successive recursive call, k is reduced by half. Recursion stops when k is less than some fixed value.

Colour Space Conversion Class

// typedefs.h

#pragma once   // visual studio .net

#ifndef __TYPEDEFS_H__   // gcc
#define __TYPEDEFS_H__   //

// Red Green Blue (Alpha) model
// all components have the range [0, 1]
typedef struct {

   double r, g, b, a;

} RGB;

// Hue Saturation Value model
// H - ranges from 0 to 360 degrees.
// S - degree of strength or purity.  range [0, 1]
// V - brightness.  range [0, 1], v = 0 is black
typedef struct {

   double h, s, v;

} HSV;

// Perceived luminance (Y)
// Colour information (I)
// Luminance information (Q)
// colour model for NTSC television broadcasts.
// Y - fixed bandwidth of 4.2MHz bandwidth for 525 lines
// I - bandwidth range [1, 1.5], usually 1 MHz
// Q - bandwidth range [0.6, 1], usually 1 MHz

typedef struct {

   double y, i, q;

} YIQ;

// CIE XYZ colour model ( http://www.colour.org/ )
typedef struct {

   double x, y, z;

} XYZ;

// RGB -> YIQ conversion matrix
static double m0[3][3] = {

   {0.299,  0.587,  0.114},
   {0.596, -0.275, -0.321},
   {0.212, -0.523,  0.311}


// YIQ -> RGB conversion matrix
static double m1[3][3] = {

   {1.0,  0.956,  0.621},
   {1.0, -0.272, -0.647},
   {1.0, -1.105,  1.702}


// RGB -> XYZ conversion matrix
static double m2[3][3] = {

   {0.412453, 0.357580, 0.180423},
   {0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169},
   {0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227}


// XYZ -> RGB conversion matrix
static double m3[3][3] = {

   {  3.240479, -1.537150, -0.498535},
   { -0.969256,  1.875992,  0.041556},
   {  0.055648, -0.204043,  1.057311}


#endif // __TYPEDEFS_H__

// ColourConverter.h

#pragma once   // visual studio .net

#ifndef __COLOUR_CONVERTER_H__   // gcc
#define __COLOUR_CONVERTER_H__   //

#include <math.h>   // gcc: compile with -lm option
#include "typedefs.h"

class ColourConverter {


   ColourConverter() { }
   void RGBtoHSV(RGB *, HSV *);
   void HSVtoRGB(HSV *, RGB *);
   void RGBtoYIQ(RGB *, YIQ *);
   void YIQtoRGB(YIQ *, RGB *);
   void RGBtoXYZ(RGB *, XYZ *);
   void XYZtoRGB(XYZ *, RGB *);


   double minVal(double, double, double);
   double maxVal(double, double, double);


inline double
ColourConverter::minVal(double a, double b, double c)

   if (a < b && a < c) return a;
   if (b < a && b < c) return b;
   if (c < a && c < b) return c;

   return a;


inline double
ColourConverter::maxVal(double a, double b, double c)

   if (a > b && a > c) return a;
   if (b > a && b > c) return b;
   if (c > a && c > b) return c;

   return a;


#endif // __COLOUR_CONVERTER_H__

// ColourConverter.cpp

#include "ColourConverter.h"

void ColourConverter::RGBtoHSV(RGB *source, HSV *target)

        double r = source->r;
        double g = source->g;
        double b = source->b;

        double min = minVal(r, g, b);
        double max = maxVal(r, g, b);
        double delta = max - min;

        // v
        target->v = max;

        if (max != 0.0)

                // s
                target->s = delta / max;

        else {

                // r = g = b = 0
                // s = 0, v is undefined

                target->s = 0;
                target->h = -1;

        if (r == max) {

                // between yellow & magenta
                target->h = (g - b) / delta;

        } else if (g == max) {

                // between cyan & yellow
                target->h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;

        } else {

                // between magenta & cyan
                target->h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;


        // degrees
        target->h *= 60;
        if(target->h < 0) target->h += 360;


void ColourConverter::HSVtoRGB(HSV *source, RGB *target)

        int i;
        double f, p, q, t;

        double h = source->h;
        double s = source->s;
        double v = source->v;

        if (s == 0.0) {

                // achromatic (gray)
                target->r = v;
                target->g = v;
                target->b = v;


        h /= 60;                // sector 0 to 5
        i = floor(h);
        f = h - i;              // factorial part of h
        p = v * (1.0 - s);
        q = v * (1.0 - s * f);
        t = v * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - f));

        switch (i) {
                case 0:
                        target->r = v;
                        target->g = t;
                        target->b = p;
                case 1:
                        target->r = q;
                        target->g = v;
                        target->b = p;
                case 2
                        target->r = p;
                        target->g = v;
                        target->b = t;
                case 3:
                        target->r = p;
                        target->g = q;
                        target->b = v;
                case 4:
                        target->r = t;
                        target->g = p;
                        target->b = v;
                default:                // case 5:
                        target->r = v;
                        target->g = p;
                        target->b = q;


void ColourConverter::RGBtoYIQ(RGB *src, YIQ *tar)



void ColourConverter::YIQtoRGB(YIQ *src, RGB *tar)



void ColourConverter::RGBtoXYZ(RGB *src, XYZ *tar)



void ColourConverter::XYZtoRGB(XYZ *src, RGB *tar)



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